Spanish Omelet

I do not usually make a traditional Spanish Omelet, but instead make more of a frittata. However, a Spanish omelet is a good base on which to grow and is tasty, probably due in part to the large amount of fat added to it. A traditional Spanish Omelet only contains thinly sliced potatoes and onions, along with eggs. My frittata-like take usually consists of other ingredients thrown in with a quarter of the olive oil. But I did start with a traditional Spanish Omelet with the only addition being rosemary as I grow it inside and think it pairs well with the potatoes and onions. While I prefer to have some more vegetables in my meals, the Spanish Omelet is a good base. Some additions could be spinach, tomatoes, and feta cheese, or sausage and bell pepper. The possibilities are practically endless and it is a good way to clear out produce from your refrigerator. If I am adding additional ingredients I will usually cut the amount of onions and potatoes in half or more.


Prep: 5 minutes
Wait: 30 minutes
Cook: 23 minutes
Total: 58 minutes


  • 1/2C olive oil
  • 3 small Yukon Gold potatoes (1/2 lb)
  • 1/4 large onion (1/4 lb)
  • 1t Kosher salt (divided)
  • 1t fresh minced rosemary
  • 3 large eggs, beaten
  • 1T water or milk (optional)
  • 1/4t pepper
  • Pinch cayenne (optional)


  1. Slice the potatoes and onion into 1/4 inch slices. I like to use a mandolin after cutting the potatoes and onion in half lengthwise then quartering them just to make sure everything cooks evenly.
  2. In an 8 inch non-stick saucepan, heat the olive oil to a simmer (about 210°F / 99°C or medium then when bubbling switching to medium-low).
  3. Add the sliced potatoes and make sure they are all contacting the oil. Cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Add the onions along with 1/2t of the Kosher salt, and mix well. Cook for 9 minutes.
  5. Add the minced rosemary and cook for an additional 1 minute.
  6. Drain the oil and reserve the potatoes and onions. Also reserve 1/4C of the oil.
  7. Beat the eggs in a medium bowl, then add the pepper, 1/2t Kosher salt, the optional cayenne, along with the hot potatoes and onions. Stir for about 30 seconds to distribute the heat then cover with tinfoil and let rest for 10 minutes. Before beating, you may also add 1T or so of water or milk. The steam from the liquid will make the eggs fluffier. However, for the Spanish omelet I prefer the denser texture.
  8. Re-heat the 8 inch saucepan to medium-low with 1/4C of the reserved oil. Add the egg mixture making sure to distribute things evenly with a spatula and/or shaking the pan.
  9. Cook for about 5 minutes until the bottom is slightly browned.
  10. Place a large plate (12 inch plate if using an 8 inch pan) over the pan, and flip the mixture onto the plate.
  11. Slide the flipped mixture back into the pan, shake to distribute if any of the edges are curled under, and cook for another 3 minutes or until the bottom is slightly browned.
  12. Finally, flip the omelet one final time onto a plate to release steam and let rest at least 20 minutes before eating.
