Father’s Day (2012)


For Father’s Day, the kids and I took a walk around Ann Arbor.  This was planned and even though it was raining hard when we started, we decided we’d do it no matter what the weather.  As it turned out, the rain stopped as we arrived even though we were ready to be drenched.

We started at my grandmother’s gravestone near the hospital, walked along University–past the libraries through the Diag–then backtracked to “the cube” shown here and WCBN.  Then up Nickels Arcade and on to State Street.  A quick detour to Urban Outfitters, then down past the Michigan Theater to Division.  A quick pass by my old High School, then on to Zingerman’s.  A tour of Kerrytown then an attempt at the Treasure Mart, (but it was closed).  Down to Main Street and a block back before deciding to go back.  A detour at Stuccie’s that had what William said was the best non-milk chocolate sorbet ever.

I thought that we were done and heading back, but as it turned out it was Top of the Park time.  So we wandered through that too.

What an awesome day.  We came home, grilled burgers,

(The journal entry abruptly ends here.)

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