
Daughter Growing Up

I put an alarm clock in Ann’s room a while ago just because it was around and she seems interested in 1) the time and 2) the weather forecast.  (Not that the clock I put in her room would help with the latter, but she has several ways of getting that on her own now.  […]

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Police Involvement

On Labor Day, the kids were away and my parents and I decided to do a bike ride in the late afternoon.  It would be like the one I took with William recently and described in an earlier post—through Gallop Park and into Ann Arbor—although a little bit longer. I was busy cleaning the bathrooms

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Bonding With William

Ann had two birthday parties to attend yesterday; one of them being a sleep-over.  That left William and I to our own devices for several hours.  All of us hung out in the morning before Ann’s gatherings and ate lunch before dropping Ann off at her first engagement.  William and I ran a couple errands

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Rabbits in the Yard

I don’t seem to have much luck with rabbits. Several years ago at the old house, I was mindlessly mowing the lawn listening to music when all of a sudden something leaped out of the ground right in front of the lawnmower. After recovering from that jerk back to reality, I realized that I was

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Washington DC Vacation

We just returned from a vacation to Washington D.C. First of all: a huge thanks to my Michigan parents for providing this as we would not have gone without them financing the whole thing! It was a great trip with several stories to tell, but I’ll try to stick with just an overview. Monday: It’s

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Renewing My License

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been trying to tame my office in my free time.  It’s not a large space, but somehow it’s turned into a monstrous project.  I’ve managed to put a lot of things in their appropriate places, (e.g. not “staging” piles), but you couldn’t tell now as it’s full again

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