Saturday was a day of cooking and driving. First up at 9AM was Liam’s second practice with his baseball team. We all manage to roll out of bed, get ready, and head out to drop him off. Ann and I then head to the grocery store to pick up lunch and dinner supplies for today and the next. I also needed to figure out an appetizer to make for an evening gathering, but hadn’t come up with anything yet. Oh, well, there’s still time.
For today’s lunch I decided to do soup and sandwiches because it’s quick and Ann has ballroom dancing classes until 12:15 so there’s not much time there to get something on the table, (plus I had soup and things for sandwiches easily on hand and thawed). Dinner I decided would be a roasted chicken. This is also pretty easy to make and turns out nice with minimal prep, (sprinkle with salt and pepper, plus other spices if desired—I used thyme this time—then stick in the oven to let the magic happen). Based on past experiences, I figured maybe an hour to roast the chicken to the appropriate temperature leaving the oven open for an appetizer. That was a mistake.
Back to Liam’s practice to watch for 30 minutes while Ann explored the area. Afterward we go home. Ann changes into her dancing outfit, Liam plays Minecraft, and I work out what appetizer to make and what’s needed for it. Finally we head out. Ann gets to class mostly on time and William and I head back to the grocery store to pick up appetizer supplies. We plan to take a walk to kill the remaining time, but are stopped by a slow-moving train in our path.