
I like to keep a basic set of vegetables in the freezer such as broccoli, spinach, green beans, and peas. While fresh vegetables do work better for sautéing, throwing some frozen peas in a stir fry, or frozen spinach in an omelet, are quick and easy ways to get more veggies in my diet without worrying about things spoiling. In warmer months I have a small garden area where I will occasionally grow things like tomatoes, (which, yes, I am calling a vegetable), cucumbers, green beans, bell peppers, and/or lettuce. I do not tend to give the garden the attention it needs, however, but even so there is nothing quite like–in experience and taste–picking fresh produce from the garden and immediately using it in a meal.

Pan Fried Tofu

My relationship with tofu has changed over the years. As a child, tofu was something typically around the house and I grew to not be too fond of it. While I still do not use tofu on a regular basis, it is something I now typically keep on-hand for a light and quick meal, especially

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Brussels Sprouts

Over the years, I tried to find as many vegetable dishes as possible that my kids would enjoy or at least tolerate eating. While I had tried preparing brussels sprouts in various ways, it was not until I came across the method of slicing the sprouts into strips that the kids came on board. The

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Finished mustard cole slaw served in a clear bowl.

Mustard Cole Slaw

This is a quick dish that works well for a picnic or on pulled pork sandwiches. It is also a great way to use up excess cabbage from other recipes. I like this recipe as it has a bite to it along with a little sweetness. Additional things such as shredded carrots, hot sauce, and

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Guacamole with two chips sticking out in a white bowl.


While researching guacamole recipes I found that most were very similar, so I picked one that seemed to have the flavor combinations I liked most and tried that. It was a hit for Thanksgiving, so I saw no need to tweak it with ideas from other recipes. I also use variations on this for things

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