
I enjoy writing of all types from technical instructional manuals to journal entries to poetry and more. In many cases this is just a way for me to arrange my thoughts, be able to replicate something I’ve done, or work through things. For journal entries, it is a way for me to somewhat reliably remember an event. From what I have heard and read, the human brain does not store memories in a “read-only” fashion, so each time you revisit that memory it may change and that change may perpetuate to the next time it is “remembered” and possibly changed again. That is why some of my journal entries end with a note that too much time has passed since the event so I do not trust that all the details would be true at least to my perception at the time. On the other hand, a memory is more than just facts. Sometimes the feelings around a memory or thought will take hold resulting in a short story or an essay. Those are the sorts of things that you will find here. Please enjoy (or not) these brief glimpses into my mind and accounts of certain days in my and my family’s life.

Walking With William

Liam and I had a night together because Ann was at a sleepover.  We put together a 3-D puzzle, did laundry, cooked dinner, washed dishes, made beds with clean sheets from the laundry, played tennis in the basement, and played Minecraft.  There were a lot of cool things there. The next day we went on […]

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Within a minute after it hit midnight, it sounded like something out of an action movie outside—gunfire everywhere.  My neighbor even squeezed off a few rounds.  There were some fireworks too, but there’s something distinct about the sound of a gun.  (The next day when talking about this with family I was asked about the

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Back to Back Parties

On Monday, Ann hosted a Halloween party, (this was the day after a great toilet explosion detailed earlier, but you wouldn’t have known it except the wood flooring was and still is somewhat warped in the hallway—I call it “character”).  Ann planned it all from decorations to activities to snacks to the invite list.  The

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Toilet Breaking

One of these days I will learn to just hire it out… The downstairs toilet has been going off on its own for over a year now.  It’s been annoying, but I’ve always managed to adjust or reseat some piece of equipment in the reservoir tank to buy a couple weeks of stability.  But last

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Daughter Growing Up

I put an alarm clock in Ann’s room a while ago just because it was around and she seems interested in 1) the time and 2) the weather forecast.  (Not that the clock I put in her room would help with the latter, but she has several ways of getting that on her own now. 

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Developer’s Song

A little ditty written after getting a little annoyed by the process and procedures for any changes implemented in response to the SOX legislation. (To the tune of “Another Brick in the Wall (Part II)” by Pink Floyd) We don’t need no Unit Test Case.We don’t need no B-R-S.  [Ed. Business Requirements Specification]No dark audit

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Police Involvement

On Labor Day, the kids were away and my parents and I decided to do a bike ride in the late afternoon.  It would be like the one I took with William recently and described in an earlier post—through Gallop Park and into Ann Arbor—although a little bit longer. I was busy cleaning the bathrooms

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