
I enjoy writing of all types from technical instructional manuals to journal entries to poetry and more. In many cases this is just a way for me to arrange my thoughts, be able to replicate something I’ve done, or work through things. For journal entries, it is a way for me to somewhat reliably remember an event. From what I have heard and read, the human brain does not store memories in a “read-only” fashion, so each time you revisit that memory it may change and that change may perpetuate to the next time it is “remembered” and possibly changed again. That is why some of my journal entries end with a note that too much time has passed since the event so I do not trust that all the details would be true at least to my perception at the time. On the other hand, a memory is more than just facts. Sometimes the feelings around a memory or thought will take hold resulting in a short story or an essay. Those are the sorts of things that you will find here. Please enjoy (or not) these brief glimpses into my mind and accounts of certain days in my and my family’s life.

Canada Trip

For this year’s family vacation my parents took us to Niagara Falls and Toronto over Easter break.  The idea was to drive through Canada to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls and spend a couple days there, head up to Toronto and spend a couple days there then head back home.  As in any family

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Ann Birthday Planning

Ann’s birthday is coming up and for the past few weeks we’ve been coming up with a plan for her party.  When I initially asked her what she wanted to do the first question out of her mouth was, “how many people can I invite?”  Huh?  I thought we’d figure out the “what” and the

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Broccoli Song

This was written for the kids to get them to eat broccoli. (To the tune of the chorus in “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga) What’s green and shaped like a treeAnd fills our mouths up with glee?It is that awesome veggieWe call bro-cco-li! We eat it up for a snack,We eat it up at

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Liam’s Derby Car

Liam’s first “derby” car! He wanted to make a falcon and drew it out. I roughly cut the design and he went through several sheets of sandpaper over the next few weeks to smooth it out. Painting took a couple days. Then tonight it was out with the hammer to attach the wheels, glue and

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First Snow

First snow of winter 2011/2012 where we could play with it some. Not that I’m complaining as it *is* fun to play in the snow, go sledding and stuff, (not enough to do that this time). And it is pretty when it blankets the ground like a big cotton comforter. I guess it’s just the

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Birthday in COS

Thanks all for the birthday wishes. I was in sunny Colorado that week. Well, maybe a couple cloudy days, but nice weather overall. Except it’d be like 20-something with the wind chill in the morning and by lunchtime it’d feel like 60-something and I’d get teased about my coat. Good thing I brought a light

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Basement Flooding

For the past week and a half, water has mysteriously appeared in the basement collecting in small, scattered pools.  Fortunately, the basement is unfinished except for a somewhat painted and sealed concrete floor, but the kids use it as a play area and a lot of their toys are down there.  Again, fortunately, I have

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Trying on Clothes

The kids wanted to go to the mall instead of ice skating (??).  Ann had Liam pick out things for her to try on and vice versa.  William ended up in a suit and Ann a few layers at Aeropostale.  At Justice while waiting for Ann to change, William and I pretended to be asleep

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