
Spin Me a Tune

These are lyrics to a song; a song for which I have long forgotten the melody. It’s not real          (But it is)A cloak of knowingRests on my head Life and death          Sounds of truth          In the crowd          Speak to wisdom Spin me a tune          (Spin me a tune) I want to die          But I don’t…I

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The Paper Cup

The paper cup,drained, discarded,buffeted aboutby indifferent winds.Its purpose in life,the relief it gave,now forgotten–a snapshot in time.The final fallwith laughter in parting.Its concrete bed,an uncaring grave.Longing to be,quench thirst once again.But who wants to drinkfrom a dirty used cup? Aimless direction,a jungle of death.The crisscrossing pathspinning out of control.Glimpses of painwe try to avoid,while high

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She Glared at Me Today

I said, “hello,”What was her answer–A look of distrust;A look of distain. What will she proveWith that icy stare?That I am unworthyTo help raise our kids? I said, “hello”;She didn’t reply.The look on her faceWas answer enough. Am I a fraud;An unworthy man?For over eight yearsAn uncaring rapist? I said, “hello,”An innocent word.One only utteredFor

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Fast Forward

Fast forward throughThe daily routine.No need to watch;You’ve seen it before. Although subtle changesMay sometimes appear,They remain unseen–Lost in the blur. Something catches your eye,You grab the remote.But the controls don’t work,The batteries are drained. So there is no stop;There is no rewind.The play button’s broken;Hang on for the ride! The cassette wheels spinWith diamond-tipped

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