Liam (Almost) in Haiti

Liam was on a mission trip to Haiti earlier this week. The flight took him and 32-some others down to Ft. Lauderdale.  Then there was a delay… It was just something that happens when you’re flying right? The kicker is that when they finally took off and were 2000 feet off the ground of the […]

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Guacamole with two chips sticking out in a white bowl.


While researching guacamole recipes I found that most were very similar, so I picked one that seemed to have the flavor combinations I liked most and tried that. It was a hit for Thanksgiving, so I saw no need to tweak it with ideas from other recipes. I also use variations on this for things

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Mother’s Day

Today me and my mom and my step-dad celebrated Mother’s Day with a picnic and a hike. The weather was amazing and unexpected. It was the sort of day where my mom took off her raincoat about a half of a mile in. While the weather report said otherwise, it did not rain at all

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Mother’s Day Prepping

Late night prepping for a Mother’s Day picnic (rain or shine) and bike ride (shine only—otherwise maybe Scrabble or whatever she wants to do). With a packed weekend, it was cook now or it wouldn’t be much of a picnic… The picnic / doing something outside (bike riding, hiking, kayaking, etc.) is something of a

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Birds on the Porch

These are the latest additions to my porch, (there are two of them). For a few years my porch was the domain of a couple of robins, (except that they camped out on top of the porch light which must have been really annoying as it is attached to a motion detector and lights up

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Out of Gas

This is as nearly as close to empty as I have ever gotten. Note that the tank holds 21 gallons meaning I had a little over a half gallon left. (I showed this picture to my daughter and she fixated on the price until I directed her to the gallon line and explained why I

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Race to Exit Italy

I woke up and checked my watch. It was 4:15 which was 15 minutes before my alarm was set to sound. Sighing I rolled over and shut my eyes hoping to squeeze as much sleep as I could out of the available time before facing either a full day of travel or one of sight-seeing.

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Lighthouse Prints

I am on a long-running mission to get more artwork in the house; there are so many large blank walls around begging for adornments. However, it is also important to me that the work have some meaning. Granted, that is not always necessary as sometimes I will just run across something and am like, “hey,

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Random Dinner

I’m not sure what to call dinner tonight. Perhaps “Ground Bison with Other Things in the Fridge”. I am usually pretty good at using or freezing perishables before I leave on a work trip. That means when I return home the refrigerator is usually pretty bare. Therefore, as soon as my plane touched down yesterday,

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